Ionică Bizău

We've Got a Name

I am happy to announce the name of this blogging platform: Bloggify. It's just simple to pronounce and it's related to the term blogging.

Urban Dictionary gives an interesting definition of this term:

to "bump" or "upgrade" a messageboard user's post or comment to a front page blog entry based on quality or content. initially used by the messageboard at

related words include: bloggified, bloggification

"My post was good enough for a bloggification! Why wasn't it you jackasses. Bloggify it!"

Bloggify will be open sourced soon, but until then, you can write us at and check out the page of the project:

If you want to support Bloggify, just tell us how you are able to help this project.

Have feedback on this article? Let @IonicaBizau know on Twitter.

Have any questions? Feel free to ping me on Twitter.